

The importance of planning ahead for long-term care

The need for long-term care should be considered during the estate planning process. Recent statistics show that an estimated 60 percent of Americans will need long-term care at some point in their lives. Long-term care is becoming more common as our population ages and life spans lengthen. This is because many people of advanced age […]

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Estate planning in the electronic age: protecting your digital assets

Take a moment to think about your digital footprint. Do you have accounts on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest? What about business networks like those established by industry groups, alumni associations or on LinkedIn? Do you have online access to pay your credit cards, utilities, mortgage, car payments, student loans or other debts? […]

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Due care can help you avoid common estate planning mistakes

Many people avoid estate planning so they don’t have to think about the issue of their own deaths. However, much like taxes, death is inevitable. By understanding our own mortality – and taking steps now to plan ahead – we can protect both our loved ones and our assets after we are gone. Generally, something […]

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Living Trust: Alternative to a Will

Clients often say to me that they have been “told” that they need a “family” trust or “living” trust. For those with an estate of any significance, and especially if the estate includes real property, with or without equity, Whether a single person or married couple, the advice is appropriate. The terms “family” and “living” […]

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Do not put off preparing for incapacity in your estate plan

Alzheimer’s disease affects about 5 million people age 65 and older nationwide, according to estimates from the Alzheimer’s Association. Over the next 35 years or so, some estimates predict that number will triple as the elderly population in the United States continues to increase. Meanwhile, studies repeatedly show that fewer than half of all Americans […]

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